Friday, 29 December 2006

when silence is not golden

Troubled by what I have been reading about the intended toll rates raise, I asked myself what else may I possibly do other than pray. I suppose not all of us would not be too affected by the raise - for now, not that we are all terribly rich, perhaps we have not come to the point of experiencing financial crisis. But I think of the majority poor. This is not just one of the 'increases' in their expenses in the year to come, they will have to pay more for the petrol (therefore more for the costs of public transport and other subsistence items) and perhaps more for water too and maybe electricity tarrifs too. Life is only getting tougher than they need to bear. I fear that the circle of the poor may be widening in the days to come at the rate of the happenings.
I decided to give my signature on an online petition against the raise since I would not be able to participate in the peaceful demonstration organised by the NGOs and Opposition Parties on the 31 Dec and 7 Jan. Why have I come to the decision? More than thoughts of the hardship it will cause to a large portion of the people, Elizabeth Wong lets us understand more why we cannot agree to the reason given for the raise and why we need to make our objections known. Check this out:

If I erred I hope I was so for the greater good, justice, integrity and compassion that I hope to see in our government and our society.

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