Thursday 23 November 2006

Teflon- Self-preservation, communal-destruction?

When I was younger, my older brother and I talked about some the conflicts that we faced in our home. He told me what he knew of Confucius' teaching about one's attitude towards hindrances that stand in one's life journey and that is, one needs to learn from the water in the stream. It flows around the rocks, stones or any obstacle that stand in its way instead of dashing against them. That way, one circumvents the hard-knocks and still could continue moving towards one's direction/goal.
As I grew older, I faced with God-knows the kinds of trials which inevitably leave their marks on me. A friend of mine recently advised me to apply 'teflon'- do not let the marks stick. Both my brother and friend care for me, I believe. They do not want me hurt. I pondered over their caring and sound advice.
But, wait, should I apply the same advice when faced with evils in our society? Should I apply the same advice when faced with corruption that will eventually destroy the society? Should I simply move along like the stream, let the stone/rock be, and move along, live and let live? Should I apply teflon towards the experiences in life?
My fear is, what would such approach to life do to me in the long run? Would I too become like the rock or stone that causes undue hardship in the lives of others and expect them to just flow along like the stream does and I remain as the harmful rocks and stones? Or should I expect them to apply teflon whenever I harm or injure or hurt them? Would I become so?
I need to think carefully lest I become an abuser myself and expect others to accept my abuses and act strong. That would be destructive! Could it be that evil is perpetuated in this way?

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